Scale Your Marketing Beyond Facebook with Top-Performing Newsletters

Test hundreds of newsletters easily and with little risk.

Discover - High performing newsletters.

Performance-Aligned - Only pay for true engagement.

Efficient Scale - Our dynamic pricing model iteratively improves performance and increase ROAS.

Wellput fills newsletter publisher unsold inventory.

Selection - Publishers choose from dozens of relevant Advertisers.

Dynamic CPC Pricing - Higher performing Publishers are rewarded.

Reporting - Integrated reporting and automated payments.

"Wellput has connections with hundreds of the best newsletter writers. Working with them has introduced Masterworks to a large, engaged audience, while detailed endorsements from these writers move people from awareness to consideration and, ultimately, sales over time. Their data-driven approach and unique CPC pricing model significantly reduce our risk. They're a great partner for Masterworks, and we're looking forward to expanding our work together."

Jack Norman, Marketing Director @ Masterworks

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